Eat Lose Weight

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weight Loss Needs Adaptation Process

For normal person, lose weight is as simple as cutting calories intake. If (normally) you eat 2,300-2,600 calories daily, probably you think you will lose some pounds by eating less. Some people make drastic changes, they eat less than 1,500 calories per day! It is normal? Of course not. It is effective? No.

If you do not agree with my statement, please continue reading. Yeah, you will lose up to five pounds in the next two days (after you begin this absurd change) but you will never lose more pounds in the next few weeks or months. The reason is simple, because you DID NOT lose fats but you lost your muscle tissue and your body water.

Our body needs adaptation process. So if you often eat lots of foods then one day you change it drastically, you will surprise your own body. When you consume low calories foods, your muscle tissue will spread a lot of glycogen and also a lot of water. So in the end, you lose pounds because you lose these glycogen and water. That's all. When you start eating normally again, your body will reproduce the glycogen and water. This is the problem.

Now how to eat properly? Simple. You must eat foods with the right proportion (40% carbohydrate, 40% protein, and 20% fat). You can also eat lesser than usual per meal but you need to change slowly. Take an example from evolution process. You must change your habit slowly, do not take any drastic change in one night. It won't help. If you smart, you can even still eat more than 4,000 calories per day but you will still lose weight. Of course all of these things need time and dedication. You must "guide" your body to follow your direction slowly. Don't surprise your own body.

These days, there are few natural weight loss pills which are really effective. If you are searching for comparison between all the weight loss pills, please go to my site: best pills 4 weight loss


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