Weight Loss Check List - 3 Essential Tips To Keep You On Track
Its the little things that matter when you are trying to lose weight. Most diets require a person to make extreme changes in their lifestyles. This is why people fail. However, you can make some adjustments in your life that will help you to lose weight in a healthy and easy fashion by following a couple of the following tips.
1. Keep track of your beverage consumption. The calories from what you drink add up. A full sugar can of cola has close to 200 calories in it. If you multiply that 200 calories by 30 (days in a month) then you have 6000 calories that month just from drinking one can of cola a day. When you exceed your bodies needs for calories beyond 3500 calories, you gain a pound. Conversely, if you consume 3500 less calories, you lose a pound. This means that you can lose close to 2 pounds every month by leaving that can of cola out of your diet. The same holds true for other soft drinks.
2. Get moving every day: You dont have to engage in a formal exercise program to fit exercise into your life. -Try to walk as often as possible. Bring your lunch to work and go for a walk at a park, mall or shopping center during your break. -Always take the stairs, even if you take them for just a few floors. -If you are in a waiting room and have a long wait, get up and walk around. -Get up and move while you watch television. Get up during every commercial and jog or skip in place or do a couple of abdominal exercises. Remember that your body continues to burn calories for a few after you stop exercising.
3. Program yourself to lose weight. You need to engage the power of your mind to help you to lose weight. Consider the priority that food has in your life and to shift that. Try to visualize your body losing weight. When you wake up in the morning, affirm that you are going to integrate some healthy habits into your day.
Remember, there are a number of small changes that you can make in your life to lose weight. With a couple of easy adjustments, you may lose up to 20 to 30 lbs. a year.
Renee Feldman MA, is the founder of http://www.reducecellulitenow.com and other Popular Free Tip Courses that are helping people worldwide to achieve their health, fitness and wellness goals. Renee is an Exercise Physiologist and Certified Personal Trainer. One of the first personal trainers in the United States, Renee is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine which is the Gold Standard in fitness. Her vast experience ranges from competitive bodybuilding, where she won state wide championships to professional dancing. She has used her education and experience working in Corporate Fitness Centers, Health Clubs, Y.M.C.A.'s and J.C.C.'s. Renee has an incredibly well developed and diverse background in Meditation and Guided Visualization which she has used to coach her clients for the last 12 years. She also lectures and presents information on fitness, wellness and the mind/body connection. She successfully demonstrated her cellulite reduction methods on television.
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London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Issues in Public Health 2007 Final Project
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of premature death in industrialised countries, although its incidence varies greatly. Death rates are higher in northern than in southern Europe, and are particularly high in eastern Europe. It has, however, been falling rapidly in a number of northern and central European countries in recent years. The task is to develop a strategy to reduce the disease burden attributable to CVD for a selected country in Europe.
Group 1B - Portugal
Last week on Floribella: Ronaldo suffers a massive heart attack and stroke. He is currently at Lisbon General in a coma, with GCS=7 E2 V2 M3 at 2235. Floribella receives word of this tragic accident and rushes back from her trip to Macedonia. Paolo is recovering from an intense love affair with Dr. Eusebio, while Teresa is up to no good.
Cast of Characters: Anne Pelet - Floribella Siddharth Bhatia - Ronaldo Azevedo Laura Libman - Teresa Pessoa Gideon Gorit - Paolo Rego Amina Aitsi-Selmi - Dr. Blanca Eusebio Sarah Mullan - Public Health (PH) Expert Lauren Hutchinson - PH Expert Katarina Widgren - PH Expert Margaret Chinhoi - PH Expert Michelle Chaney - PH Expert and Voice-Over Announcer
Music - Cancao do Mar by Madredeus
CVD Areas of Concern- 1) Tobacco *Rising rates among women and teenagers *Culture does not recognise rights of non-smokers *Smoking allowed in work places *Legislation is inadequate *Lack of smoking cessation services *Low price does not discourage consumption
2) Diet *Considerable shift from a traditional, Southern European to a more Westernised diet *Trends of diet transition have been observed faster in Portugal than in other Mediterranean countries *Shift to Western diet -- higher calorie intake -- obesity -- CVD
3) Hypertension (HTN) *42.1% of the population in Portugal has hypertension *Only 11% achieved blood pressure control
4) Lack of Excercise *Fear that as people move into more industrialised areas, they will no longer participate in as much physical activity
5) Underuse of Health Services *Poorest individuals are the least likely to visit a physician and receive care (inverse care law) *This is particularly the case in rural areas
Recommendations- Tobacco: Pioneer a national anti-smoking strategy *Increase the price of tobacco (through taxation, additional money to be used specifically to implement CVD strategy and smoking cessation program) *Revise legislation to a more comprehensive smoking ban particularly to include work places, and ensure enforcement. *Invest in smoking cessation services (improve access, train professionals, provide free nicotine cessation products) *Target teenagers (girls in particular)
Diet: Preserve a healthy food culture *Through community based programmes involving families, distributors, manufacturers, and schools to celebrate and promote traditional Portuguese Mediterranean diet *Using social marketing techniques through effective media campaigns and capitalising on popular festivals and national heritage *Integrate this with the hypertension reduction strategy
Hypertension: *Develop a national HTN screening programme based on the WHO pharmacies based HTN management model *Support pharmacies in HTN screening by providing pharmacies with automatic sphygmomanometers *Training pharmacy staff to provide basic screening and advice according to national screening guidelines Work in partnership with family physicians to facilitate a pharmacy to physician referral process *Legislation to reduce salt content in processed and take away foods.
Physical inactivity: *Increase recreational spaces for exercise programs *National campaign where football stars visit schools to promote exercise/healthy life choices *Implement a health education curricula and instruction to help students maintain physically active lifestyles
Underuse of health services: *Increase the number of physicians practicing in rural areas by providing them with incentives such as monetary compensation, relocation programs *Promotion program that targets poorer areas (no out of pocket expense for yearly doctor visit)
Strategy Evaluation- *Strengthen multilevel health observatories and high quality surveillance systems to monitor epidemiological trends *Work with independent academic centres including international centres of excellence such as the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine *Evaluate both the impact of the new strategy and its process *Use clearly defined outcome measures over 5 years to: *Reduce the prevalence of smoking by 30% *Reduce the average population cholesterol level 0.5 mmol/L *Reduce the population average BMI by 1-2 units *Increase the number of rural clinics by 25% *Convene an international conference in 2012 with all partners including grassroots organisations to review achievements
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We guarantee that you will lose weight, build muscle, and feel great using the AQUAVEE Portable Swim System. Just 15 minutes per day 3 days a week will show results! We are so sure that we offer a 30-day back guarantee.
You're still not convinced? Please read what the professionals said about Aquavee
Aquavee Test Summary by Dr. Sam Benson and Coach Tony MacGuiness of Performance Kinetics athlete training and testing facility in London England
General Observations: In use, the Aquavee tends to increase the resistance throughout the stroke. This is because of the static position. When attached to the belt, I felt neutrally balanced, with perhaps a little more effort to keep the feet up. This may lead to interesting applications with respect to balance training for swimmers. I prefer to swim with the waist belt deflated.
Working against an elastic line is fantastic for developing a smooth stroke with continuous propulsion. The weak spots in the stroke (for example a pause during breathing, or one weaker arm) are apparent because you can both see and feel the elastic line pulling you backward. This may be one of the key advantages of the Aquavee over endless pool type systems.
Free swimming after training on the Aquavee: The body feels amazingly together during free swimming. I felt I moved almost effortlessly and much more smoothly.
In Conclusion I found that the effects were much more beneficial and yet similar to using paddles and fins and balance drills using floats. The Aquavee is very demanding strength-wise and would be an excellent training tool for people who swim for fitness.
Dr. Sam Benson has previously worked as a Biological Research Scientist and is an experienced Martial arts instructor. Part of a Biochemical research team at Imperial College London, Sam also studied Physical sciences and Human Physiology. With 12 years of martial arts experience he has competed nationally and internationally in physically and mentally demanding competition. Sam specializes in breathing, body conditioning, physical therapy and psychological training, derived from the holistic Russian martial art Systema, which was developed in the Dinamo Olympic training facility in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Tony MacGuiness is an established swim coach who has worked with the elite British Modern Pentathlon Olympic Team, and was personal coach to Olympic Champion Dr. Stephanie Cook. He has also coached European Junior Champion Ian McKenzie and World Masters Champions and Masters World Record holders, European Masters Champion and European Masters Record holders. In 1993 Tony was appointed as a member of the Irish National Coaching team