Eat Lose Weight

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

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exercise abs lower back workout weight burn fat build muscle Learn the most effective exercises for lower abdominal muscles from Six Pack Abs: Upper & Lower Abdominal Exercises : Warm Up Stretches for Abdominal The workout calls for muscle activation from the fingers through the core, as well as a high level of cardiovascular intensity, so only kipping pullups will do

If you have never worked with a personal trainer or fitness professional, or would like to get all of the facts from an expert in the field, we think you'll appreciate this free advice and exercise tips

Reverse crunches on the Swiss Ball allow you to train your abdominal through a full range of motion while challenging your balance and coordination. This movement requires more lower abdominal strength than regular crunches

Even if you lose fat, there's no guarantee you'll lose it from your abs. Your body decides when, where and how much fat you'll lose. Some of us will never get rid of all the fat over the abs without taking the body fat to unhealthy levels. It's always best to focus on what you can control--what you eat, how much exercise you get and how healthy your lifestyle is.
This low-impact, high-intensity workout is for the intermediate/advanced exerciser looking for a workout that's tough on the heart, but easy on the joints. This is a circuit-style workout, taking you through a series of cardio moves, each performed for about one minute with little or no rest between exercises. Any time you're doing low-impact exercise, adding big arm movements and going through the exercises with as much speed as you can (while keeping good form) will help you keep your heart rate up. The exercises are just suggestions...always modify according to your fitness level and avoid any exercise that hurts or doesn't feel right.

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Weight Loss Diet Recipe That Can Reduces Over Weight

A changing environment has broadened food options and eating habits. While such foods are fast and convenient they also tend to be high in fat, sugar, and calories. Choosing many foods from these areas may contribute to an excessive calorie intake. Some foods are marketed as healthy, low fat, or fat-free, but may contain more calories than the fat containing food they are designed to replace. Pre-packaged foods, fast food restaurants, and soft drinks are more accessible. It is important to read food labels for nutritional information and to eat in moderation.

Food is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. You can get slim by eating the right foods at the right intervals each day.

Creating effective nutrition plans to help you reach your fat loss is important. With a little research and planning you can create a weight loss diet recipe. You just need to learn about feeding your body correctly and identify what will be a fit for you. It will probably mean a conscious effort to change habits, since the old habits got you where you're at and you don't want to go there again. The two biggest reasons people give up their diet programs are impatience and unrealistic expectations regarding the time, effort and results of a safe and lasting weight loss process. Once you are up and running with your own plan, then you'll be able to be more consistent at staying with your diet.

Here are some popular weight loss diet recipes which can help you to get over weight loss:

Cabbage Soup Diet

This recipe is based on the idea that a person can eat as much soup and drink as much water as they would like with a combination of a very strict diet of other foods. The recipe for the soup is a combination of cabbage, onions, and tomatoes, flavoured with bouillon, onion soup mix and tomato juice.

Atkins Diet

Basically, it's a low-carb, high-protein diet. While you can enjoy as much protein as possible, including: meat, chicken, eggs, cheese, butter, and all of the side dishes which are loaded with fat content, but you cannot have any carbohydrates such as bread, fruit, rice, sugar, milk, pasta, or potatoes.

South Beach Diet

This diet works in three phases, the first two for a specific timeframe and the third phase for life. Actually, you will be eating in three phases, normal-size meals but that not all! With the diet, you can dine on mouth-watering foods like Chicken en Papillote, Shrimp Louis, and even Chocolate Sponge Cake and still lose the weight!

Burning off your fat and losing weight quickly then imagine having a brand new body in just several days. Weight Loss Diet Recipe info provides detailed information on Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Lose 20 Pounds A Week - Can It Happen

Can you lose 20 pounds in a week? Several diets available on the internet claim that you can but is this really true. This article will hopefully give you the answer.

I am going to get straight to the point - You shouldn't even be trying to lose that amount of weight in such a short period of time. It is highly unsafe and the only way that it is ever going to happen is by virtually starving yourself.

Fast weight loss is possible I am not going to debate it. However 20 pounds in a month is fast enough, ask any expert in the world and they will tell you that. So aiming to achieve that in a week is to put it simply insane.

Diets are available that allow you to lose weight at a fast rate although it should be noted that many which make the claim simply don't bring the results that they claim.

Many of these diets simply get rid of fluids and then grind to a halt bringing no further results after the initial period. The only weight loss programs are ones which get rid of actual fat.

Getting rid of fat not only results in weight loss but also makes you look good. Other fast diets that get rid of fuids or burn muscle won't make you feel any better. The reason for this is that they leave lots of lose and sagging skin and even stretch marks.

One diet that results in rapid weight loss and works on a continuous basis is based around calorie shifting. This works by keeping your metabolism working at a high rate and thus helps you to burn fat faster than with other weight loss programs.

This diet has amazing levels of success amongst its users but even this diet only loses you an average of 9 pounds every 11 days. It's up to you whether this is enough for you but it is the only way you will lose weight quickly and keep losing it for the time you stay on the diet. Anything else will only be very short lived and also extremely unhealthy.

If you want to lose weight quickly and safely then the only diet which can achieve this will be a calorie shifting diet to find out more information about diets using this method check out

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and failing with numerous other diets and you could too. To find out more click here.

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Jah - we are on a slippery slope ... first power, water crisis to come - what a fantastic example of forward planning and efficient government ....

Power to the People 21 Jan 2008 -- Fifty Five Productions VIDEO

For a humorous personal delivery of the message to the music video please click on More Powa to Da People Take 3 - enjoy ...

It's a shock around the block and so sudden so surreal

As we sit here with our candles in the dark

Things were oh so hunky dory we were sailing on downstream

And then suddenly we're back in Noah's ark

Good old Eishkom it appears has been sleeping for some years

Rolling out supply which cannot meet demand

Yes the signs were there for heeding but priority and seeding

Was to power up the have-nots and their yards

More power to the People (Buy a jenny if you can)

Or some candles and some gas stoves (Man 'n boer hy maak n plan)

Save some power for your country (Switch off geysers and don't bath)

Take the day off there's no power (See the humour man and laugh)

Just a week ago my brother power wasn't a concern

I thought load sheds were a diet to lose weight

Now I'm hustling for a jenny but I cannot find me any

There ain't one in the country I must wait

Yah we all know that apartheid was an evil dispensation

But at least we had some lights to frigging see

Now we all have rights and voting but we may as well go boating

Thank our Comrades thank the good old ANC


You can blame our evil history you can tell us what you dare

Between Zuma and Mbeki it's a farce

While we struggle with our candles as we stumble in the darkness

With our fingers permanently up our arse

I hear politicians sighing even while some people dying

Cause the headlines focus now on other stuff

Its just power power power every single waking hour

And the nation now has had e-friggin'-nough!


Liked this video - see also for a satire on democracy

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Day 17 of my weight loss challenge. I posted it yesterday with tips but it got rejected because it was too long. So this is just the weigh in part. I will post a shorter version of the tips with my next video later on today.

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