Eat Lose Weight

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

5 Super Weight Loss Tips For Beginners

There are many theories in the world on how you can lose weight easily. 90% of people who haven't got any problems with genes, maintain fit body if they exercise regularly. Same amount of people don't exercise regularly and the quickly gain weight they wanted to lose and they gain even more weight. In both cases if you are a person who wants to lose weight quicker and easier I recommend to read these five, free weight loss tips.

Weight loss tip number one: Choose your food carefully. A lot of people go to gym, work very hard but they don't care about their diet. They eat same amount of food whey they weren't aware that they are overweight and that is why they don't achieve the results they want. Did you know, that if you want to lose one kilogram in a week, you have to reduce your weekly calorie intake by 9000 calories! Even tho, scientists and doctors recommend that a person shouldn't lose more than one kilogram per week, half of a kilogram a week is a great achievement!

You should note that you should not eat less, but you should eat healthy food.

Weight loss tip number two: Do aerobic exercises. When you will do aerobic exercises, you will achieve your results quicker. Aerobic training is the simplest way to get rid of unwanted calories. If you want to lose weight for ever, you should combine weight loss tip number one and two and do them all the time!

Weight loss tips number three: Be patient. You won't have a six pack in two days time. Everything requires time. Trees don't reach their full height in a day. Yes, I am not saying that there aren't ways how you could speed up your weight loss, but anyway like I sad before, everything requires some time.

Weight loss tip number four: Don't forget about anaerobic exercises. If you add some weight training exercises into your weight loss program. Bodybuilding and weight loss are part of the same thing - improving your body and they are related to each other very strongly. Naturally if you do some bodybuilding, you will lose weight and this process will make your program more effective!

Weight loss tip number five: Exercise in the morning. There is one fact you should know. After training your metabolism increases and it stays the same for the next twelve hours after exercise! If you will to exercises in the morning, you will burn more calories during the day. The main mistake all people do is that they exercise the evening then their metabolism is increased without no reason. During the next twelve hours people will sleep.

You should remember that you are responsible for everything. To achieve the most you have to do everything regularly and by doing so, soon you will see how your body shape is improving!

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Fabulous Foods That Helps Lose Weight And Sustain Achieved Weight Loss

Food is the main constituent that plays a significant role in increasing the weight as well as in decreasing and maintaining the weight of the body. Some foods make losing weight a tough task. They generate cravings and mayhem with blood sugar levels, and last but not the least settle on the waistline. There are fabulous weight loss foods that help in sustaining weight loss. Broccolis as well as blueberries are a great source in sustaining weight loss. Taking such foods as a part of a regular diet is an evidence of pounds slipping off from your body.

Some of the foods are excellent resources in reducing weight such as grapefruit. Grapefruit is prominently known for burning excess fat. As per a recent study, grapefruit is considered to be very effective in losing weight. Eating half a grapefruit before meals helps in losing weight. People eating real grapefruit are able to observe the true weight reduction rather than people having grapefruit juice and supplements of grapefruit. Moreover, the best advantage in grapefruit is that it contains compounds such as liminoids and lycopene that are of immense use in fighting cancer compounds.

Pumpkin is the best food for losing weight. It is loaded with fiber and is associated with a multitude of health benefits. Pumpkin supplemented with healthy almonds or nutmeg in good measure makes it a fabulous, delicious and weight loss food. Sardines are also one of the essential all time health bargains. Sardines are protein rich and stabilize blood sugar. They support the cardiovascular system and are relatively cheaper. However, they are free of all contaminants and make the best food for reducing weight.

Meat is one of the diet foods, provided it does not contain steroids, antibiotics and hormones. Eating grass fed beef go a long way in avoiding health concerns. Similarly, protein triggers metabolism and is associated with loss of weight due to various reasons. Protein helps in decreasing the feeling of overeating and keeps you full for a longer period of time. Grass fed beef gives you multiple benefits besides sustaining weight loss. Green tea is another natural stimulant to lose weight. Green tea is an efficient slimming solution. It is also opulent with antioxidants, helps in digestion and regulation of blood sugar. It quickens the pace of fat oxidation and is good at burning excess fat effectively. This helps people in sustaining weight loss. As per a recent study, it is observed that five cups of green tea a day works miracle in fat loss.

Losing weight is not as difficult as many people say, in fact there are methods of losing 9 pounds in 11 days that are proven by most people, who implement them. Check out the secret methods at fabulous foods that helps lose weight and sustain achieved weight loss.

Ivy is a mother of three. She never succeeded in losing weight despite trying many so called proven weight loss methods until she found the secret methods. Find out her secrets at How to lose weight naturally and healthily.

Weight Loss Secrets They Don't Want You To know

Ever heard of the phrase, "Rome was not built in a day?" If things started happening just with the flick of our finger, then life would be bliss. It's the case with weight loss too. If the accumulated weight was to be lost in one day then would be not be a dream come true for people who are over weight?

Our human nature is such that we crave for everything that is new on television. It may be a shampoo with extra conditioning or a branded lipstick or eyeliner? The latest addition to the shopping community is Weight Loss products. These are simple and easy to lose, with a guarantee that a lot of weight will be lost. There are these supermodels, who anyway are lean, promoting weight loss products at a nominal price. We instantly fall into the web and order for a sample.

There are these reality shows which encourage over sized people to participate, promising them a leaner body. People rush to these shows only to realize that life is even more difficult. Those who make it, get famous and rich instantly.

Everyone wants to lose weight in a jiffy. You actually think it's possible. The so called weight will come down, but will it last for a long time? There are repercussions on losing weight in simple ways. The quicker the weight loss the more muscle fat we lose.

There has been a lot of discussion on weight and fat. Do any of us even know what the difference between the two is? Weight in simple words means heaviness, mss or load. Fat on the other hand means overweight, plump, chubby and other such Webster meanings. What we all wish to shed is fat. Don't blindly go for the products which promise you quick weight loss in a few days. It's not possible. You have to be aware that with proper nutrition and exercise, we can keep our weight in control and keep it away.

When you feel dull and devastated knowing you are overweight and no longer fit into your favorite jeans. You fight, cry and yell to get something which is the least troublesome way to lose weight. Ho! Behold! a new weight loss advertisement flashes on the screen and you see a silver lining to your problem. You quickly call the tele shopping network and order the product.

What is stated by star fitness gurus is that people do not have what is called patience. They want everything to happen quickly without making an extra effort. It's the hare and the tortoise story here, and the moral being simple. Slow and steady wins the race. With workouts each and everyday, you will shed pounds of fat and that will surely get a twinkle in your eye.

It's better to get into the grip of exercise and nutrition rather than to flip into the web of commercials. Remember All that glitters is not gold, it may be fake, it may be old.

Chris McCombs is a Health and Exercise Specialist in Orange County California. At one time Chris was 143 pounds overweight at which point he looked in the mirror and decided to do something about it. Chris lost the weight and started his own fitness business Positively Fit Inc., an area exclusive life change service.

You can learn more about Chris at

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Weight Loss and Detoxification

The first thing that comes to mind when people think of weight loss is being hungry and miserable. Over the past ten years we have seen one fad diet after another claiming to help you shed those extra pounds within days. Unfortunately those diets are all doomed to failure simply because they do not promote healthy weight loss.

One well known low carbohydrate diet claims you can healthily lose ten pounds per week while another carbohydrate rich diet claims the same. Both diet plans promote drinking lots of fluids and maintaining a daily exercise regimen.

Exercise alone can help you shed the pounds and inches before swimsuit season, but don't overlook the importance of a well-balanced diet and full-body detoxification. One of the most important steps to detoxifying your body is a simple colon cleansing. Cleansing the colon of toxins can help flush out that bloated, fat feeling as well as help enhance your weight loss goals.

There are several options for a healthy colon cleanse and full body detoxification. Simply the addition of water, fruits and vegetables to your diet goes a long way in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Steamed or raw vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber to help cleanse the colon. Adding green, leafy vegetables to your diet will also increase your fiber intake, helping cleanse your colon and digestive tract very effectively. Cutting back on red meats and dairy products is also advised, as these foods congest the digestive tract.

Fruit and vegetable juices are also very good 'snack' fillers for when you need a quick little pick-me-up. Avoid that afternoon candy bar and soda, both are very high in fats and carbohydrates that will only help reverse your weight loss goals. The addition of eight to ten glasses of water per day will help flush your body of unwanted toxins and fat.

To many people, adding eight to ten glasses of water to their diet per day is a bit overwhelming. One way to remember to drink your water is to drink two to three glasses before every meal. This will also help you achieve a feeling of being full more quickly; thus aiding to your weight loss.

There is also a very wide variety of herbs that help aid in the cleansing of the digestive tract and colon. Herbs such as phylum are often found in over-the-counter laxatives. Phylum adds the fiber that your body needs to help it become regular and help flush out toxins that may hinder weight loss.

Detoxification and colon cleansing is a very important part of weight loss. Just changing one's eating habits can drastically improve your overall health. Studies have shown that the poor eating habits we all fall prey to cause our colon to store mass amounts of unhealthy toxins. In fact, the human colon can hold more than thirty-five pounds of toxins and feces.

The addition of rice, nuts, seeds, fish, beans and other protein-rich foods can help cleanse the colon of most of these unwanted toxins and pounds. Simply detoxifying your body by eating more healthily and drinking lots of water is an excellent way to jump-start any diet and exercise program. It's also probably the easiest thing you can change about yourself.

Brad Hodges is President of BRAD HODGES ENTERPRISES
A Health e-commerce.
For more information on this article go to:
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How To Flush Out Your Colon And Lose Weight Fast

There are many ways that you can go about creating quick weight loss and colon flushing. There are herbal supplements and laxatives, but both of these can cause embarrassing odors and numerous trips to the bathroom.

There is also colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, which is administered by a specialist. This works almost like an enema and is repeated multiple times. This can prove to be costly if one has chronic constipation.

The best method I have found is to use an oxygen based intestinal cleanser that is all natural and safe. It is the lowest cost doctor recommended effective method for how to flush out your colon that I have found. If you want to flush your colon completely you will want to do at least a 7 day cleansing cycle - although you can get some pretty good results in as little as 3 days.

During a colon flush it really helps to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid heavy proteins that are hard to digest. If you follow the directions with this colon cleanse and consume the right amount of water (at least half of your body's weight in ounces of water daily) the colon flush will not only leave you with a toxin free colon it will also give you what could be a dramatic weight loss. Many users report up to a 20 pound weight loss. Though keep in mind that the weight loss is not loss of fat, it is loss of toxic waste from your intestines and colon.

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