Eat Lose Weight

Friday, July 4, 2008

Revolutionary, Safe, and Clinically Proven Natural Weight Loss

America is in a health care crisis. More than 60 percent of US adults are overweight and 25% are considered obese. One in four children are overweight and are headed for a lifetime of chronic illness. These numbers have nearly doubled in the last twenty years.

Excess body weight has been linked to many common conditions affecting Americans. These include: heart disease, high blood pressure, back pain, certain cancers, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, gall bladder disorders, sleep apnea, Syndrome X (insulin resistance), and others. Health care costs directly related to obesity are second only to smoking and are increasing at an alarming rate.

Consistent weight loss can be accomplished by understanding and implementing some simple truths. Total caloric intake must be less than the amount of calories a person burns. This is known as the base metabolic rate (BMR). Low calorie high glycemic (carbohydrate) diets cause an increase in insulin which will virtually lock up fat making it impossible to burn. High insulin levels will lead muscle wasting when eating less than the BMR.

Moderate resistance training exercise is also required to insure lean muscle is retained. Maintaining muscle mass while burning fat improves body composition (increases lean muscle and decreases fat) and maintains or increases the BMR. Long term weight loss and/or maintenance is very difficult if a person has an uncontrolled appetite and/or problem with emotional eating.

These concepts are simple to understand but often difficult or impossible for the overweight person to implement. Another little known fact further explains why so many people are overweight. Ninety percent of overweight people are deficient in serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and/or epinephrine. These are important brain and nervous system chemical messengers called neurotransmitters (NTs) that affect every system in the body including the appetite and satiety centers in the brain. Most people have heard of serotonin because those suffering from depression and/or anxiety disorders are commonly prescribed selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) class drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Welbutrin, etc.

Although these drugs sometimes provide temporary symptomatic relief, they DO NOT add a single molecule of serotonin to the system. In fact, SSRI drugs cause an increased rate of excretion of serotonin which further depletes a NT deficient person. The solution is to evaluate NT levels with a simple urine test and then optimize the NT by providing amino acid therapy. The amino acids provide the building blocks to rebuild the neurotransmitters. Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine are appetite suppressors.

In addition to their emotional/psychological functions, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are also natural appetite supressors. When a person has therapeutic levels of these NTs in their system, they go into a state of safe appetite control. This allows them to follow their reduced-calorie diet while eliminating emotional eating and carbohydrate and chocolate cravings.

Another benefit of this elegant approach is that not only are there no side effects, but there are significant side benefits. Optimizing NT levels can help with many other symptoms of low neurotransmitters such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, pms, fibromyalgia, migraines, hormonal dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, digestive disorders, and many others.

The clinical results using this approach are very promising. In a Minnesota clinic with a patient base of 690 patients, the results are as follows. Average starting weight: 211 pounds. Average total weight loss: 62.6 pounds. Average loss during first month: 16.9 pounds. Average loss during active loss program: 8.4 pounds/ month. Average goal weight: 149 pounds. Percentage of active patients reaching their goal: 90 percent.

William Nelson, NMD is a naturopathic medical doctor that specializes in the treatment of thyroid disease and most chronic illnesses using a combination of natural medicine and the latest advances in medical science. 7500 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd. A207, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 (480) 563-4256.

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4 Sure-Fire Tips For Effective Weight Loss

Are you just plain fed up because you haven't lost weight for a long time now on that latest fad diet, well please stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will only produce the same results as you have already seen before.

Have a look at the four sure fire tips found below that are based on "Scientific Principles" that have always been around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss programs you see these days.

So lets have a look:

1. Increasing Your Metabolism

In order to produce Sustained, Permanent and Long-Term Weight Loss, it's imperative that you boost your metabolism. And the most effective way to raise your metabolism is to have a greater proportion of functional muscle on your body.

The only way to build this lean muscle so you can raise your metabolism is through "Strength Training". There's no other method that works wonders on the Metabolism like Strength Training.

By performing Strength Training, you'll effectively increase the amount of functional lean muscle on your body so that your metabolism will elevate.

After a Strength Training session your body will undergo a significant increase or "Spike" in Metabolism, which will allow you to burn much more fat then you were able to before.

2. It's All About Lean Muscle

"The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the more lean muscle your body can hold."

If your muscle system can sustain more energy and use this energy significantly when performing strength training, then it will be able to burn off the calories you eat and the excess fat on your body.

In other words, if your muscles become stronger and can hold more energy then you should be able to release this energy more efficiently to increase your metabolism, and to burn off excess calories that you have eaten.

Once we can build more lean muscle through our own strength, then our bodies will become more efficient at burning fat.

It's also the amount of lean muscle on your body that makes you look good Once you burn off the excess fat from your body, the lean muscle underneath your skin will be exposed making you look healthy, energetic, and well toned.

3. Decrease Your Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy.

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in. You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

4. Fast Walking Burns Fat

All you need to do now is incorporate "Fast Walking" into your weight loss program to hasten the burning of excess fat.

Not only is fast walking better much easier on the hips, but it also produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running.

Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.

Easy to Perform
Most Conventional
All Natural Body Movement
Doesn't Cause Injuries
Can Be Done Anywhere
The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss

"I can't stress enough how Fast Walking is necessary in every weight loss program."

Your next step? To take what you have just learned and apply them to your weight daily weight loss regime.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

Weight Loss and Appetite Control with Hoodia

Modern life has encouraged people to become sedentary and the temptation for fast, unhealthy foods is everywhere. Therefore, it's no surprise that obesity has become an epidemic and more people are overweight now than ever before.

Our culture today is completely different from that of our grandparents. Most work requires us to be sedentary, sitting at the computer for hours. With our fast paced life style, it is too easy to eat fattening, high calorie, low nutrition foods and difficult to eat home cooked nutritious meals. Instead of eating a bowl of oatmeal or fruit and a toast with jam for breakfast, it's common to grab a donut or two on the way to work.

With a short lunch break, it's convenient to grab a burger, fries, and soda at a fast food place. At work and at home, we don't have to do as much physical work as our grandparents thanks to modern technology.

Many people are also sedentary during their free time instead of being active. Watching TV and movies, playing video games, and surfing the internet are common activities now part of our culture.

Because of our sedentary and junk food laden culture, around 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese. Many people see obesity as a cosmetic problem, but it is much more than just that. Carrying around too much weight has negative health effects which include:

High blood pressure
Abnormal Blood Fats
Coronary Artery Disease
Sleep Apnea
Fatty Liver Disease
Gall Bladder Disease
Fertility Problems in Women
Lower Libido

It is crucial for overweight people to lose weight for their health. Even modest amounts of weight loss will improve your health.

If losing weight was easy, then everyone would be thin. Everyone knows diet and exercise is the key to losing weight, but many still struggle.

One reason is appetite. People who want to lose weight find it extremely difficult to stick to diets. Eating a salad with water for lunch is nearly impossible for someone who is used to eating giant sized portions of greasy food with soda for lunch. People want to feel satisfied after eating a meal. If someone eats a small, healthy meal, but is left feeling hungry and unsatisfied they will end up grabbing something they enjoy eating and eat until they are full and satisfied. To lose weight, you must reduce your caloric intake, which means eating smaller portions and/or lower calorie foods. This can be extremely difficult for people who have large appetites. The answer to losing weight may lie in simply taking an appetite control pill.

These pills can be miracle workers for those who love to eat giant portions of foods. The appetite control pill reduces your appetite so you don't want to eat a lot. Even if a delicious chocolate cake were right in front of you, you would simply have no desire for it. With an appetite control aid, you will save a lot of calories and fat grams each day, resulting in weight loss.

A newer, popular appetite control supplement is called Hoodia, which is very effective in suppressing the appetite. It has been used in South Africa by the Bushmen for thousands of years, but the West has not heard of it until recently. Hoodia tricks the brain into thinking it is full and leaving you simply unable to overeat. Not only does Hoodia help you lose weight, but it has no harmful side effects at all. For anyone who wants to lose weight or is struggling with losing weight, Hoodia is recommended.

Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy Supplements. Consider a natural supplement such as Hoodia Gordonii

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Weight Loss Supplements Part 1, How Effective They Truly Are

People who suffer from overweight are always looking for new and innovative ways to lose some pounds, mostly because they have already tried working out, following different diets, etcetera; but nothing seems to truly work. Some people might follow a few diets and exercise regularly, but the results can always be improved, the amount of time it takes to lose weight can always be reduced. One great way that people believe in when trying to accomplish this goal, is by ingesting different weight loss supplements, and in the next few lines youll learn about their actual efficiency.

There is a wide variety of substances which are supposed to be very useful for people trying to lose some weight, these substances include: caffeine, green tea, ephedrine, linoleic acid, and others; whether they work or not is about to be revealed.

Let us begin with caffeine; for years people have believe that caffeine is probably one of the best weight loss supplements, and the reason why people believe this is because caffeine speeds up the metabolism of those that consume it regularly. It is a fact that people who consume caffeine will lose weight faster than those who never consume it. The only problem with weight loss supplements that are based on caffeine relies on the fact that most people are already used to ingest caffeine on a frequent basis, and will gain little benefits from increasing the amount of this weight loss supplement in their diet.

Now, about green tea; there are really few drinks out there that have more miraculous properties than green tea, its seems that green tea is the cure for every single problem possibly suffered by mankind, and now we are going to discuss its efficiency within the weight loss supplements family. First of all green tea will quicken your metabolism, it will also reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood, it will get rid of the fat you already have and it will allow you not to absorb further fat in the future. So, overall we can say that green tea is, from every single weight loss supplement, the best; not only because it provides plenty of different weight losing characteristics, but also because it has no side effects.

Stay tuned for the next part of this article when well discuss other weight loss supplements and make an overall synthesis of what works and what doesnt work when trying to lose weight.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

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