Eat Lose Weight

Sunday, June 15, 2008

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Fasting for Quick Weight Loss - What You Need To Know Now

Many people who are absolutely desperate to lose weight have been inquiring about fasting as a viable way of dropping pounds, and doing it quickly. And of course, as you would expect, there are a variety of methods being promoted online for doing just that, so I thought I would chime in with my thoughts on fasting as a practice, and more importantly for you, as a strategy for safe and efficient weight loss.

The first thing you need to know is that prolonged fasting is absolutely NOT a viable plan for losing weight, staying in shape or maintaining an ideal physique. It is however, a viable plan to segue into a new diet, or a good short term strategy for optimizing your body, and your mind. Let's take a closer look.

Fasting, in my parlance is NOT a total abstinence from food. Obviously this would be unhealthy, and could only be done for VERY short periods without supervision. These are often referred to as water fasts, and while you CAN go without food for a few days, (or longer) depriving yourself of water is simply dangerous and could be deadly as well. Fasting for our purposes will refer to juice fasting, or a raw diet, where you ingest nothing but juices in the former, or simply raw juices and veggies in the latter.

Both of these have been shown to have really positive benefits for those who have embarked on this sort of regimen, and adherents claim a refinement in their senses, clarity of thought, physical rejuvenation and even a spiritual rebirth! You will of course, also lose weight...but this is RARELY the reason that people embark on a fast.

Much of the weight lost in this sort of endeavor WILL be regained once you resume eating, and therefore is not really looked upon as a diet strategy. Rather, you many want to incorporate elements of this approach to food as part of a living strategy per se, or part and parcel of a lifestyle that focuses on whole foods, organic eating and short periods of abstinence to cleanse the body.

But for good old fashioned weight loss, even the most devout fasters will tell you to pick a REAL diet first, meet your target goals, and then incorporate some of these holistic lifestyle choices into your choice of cuisine, and your life!

Read On to Discover the 6 Biggest Lies About Weight Loss... and how to avoid them like the plague!

(Not knowing them MAY be KEEPING you heavy... watch the weight melt away like magic once you do!)

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Easy Weight Loss Tips - You Are Never Too Busy to Lose Weight

Being overweight is no fun and it can be dangerous to your health. But unfortunately, obesity has become an epidemic in the United States. Just go to the mall and you will notice a lot of overweight people. Look at yourself. Are you carrying a few extra pounds that you wish would disappear? So what can you do to lose the excess weight without starving yourself or spending hundreds of dollars for a weight loss program? Read on to discover the answer to these questions.

If you are committed to losing weight, just remember that it is easier to put weight on than it is to take it off. It will take some work and it won't be without a few failures. But if you want to lose weight and get back into shape, you will have to be dedicated.

The first thing that should be pointed out is that you won't lose weight and keep it off by taking a diet pill or by following a fad diet. The only successful way to lose weight for the long term is by a lifestyle change. You have got to change the way you eat.

Now think about what you eat during the day. Are you hitting the fast food drive thru every day? Are you eating cookies and candy for a mid afternoon snack thinking it will give you much needed energy? If you can answer yes to these questions then you have identified half of your problem. Fast food is very high in calories and is the biggest contributor to our overweight society. Eating cookies and candy for a snack may give you a little bit of a sugar rush, but you will come crashing down in a couple of hours. You definitely did not need the extra calories.

So what is the solution to eating right and losing weight when you have a busy lifestyle? It is simple with a little bit of planning. Stop eating out and cook your meals at home. Throw some vegetables and beef stock into a slow cooker in the morning before work and the whole family will be able to enjoy a healthy dinner with little effort.

Pack your lunch the night before. That way you won't be rushed before leaving for work and tempted to just think to yourself that you will hit the fast food drive thru. Include fresh fruits for healthy snacks in between your meals. Fruits not only have natural sugar and carbs for energy, they also have very important anti-oxidant properties that can help you stay healthy.

So if you think that you are too busy to eat healthy and lose weight, think again. With a little bit of determination and imagination, you can lose weight and feel wonderful!

If you're looking to get a jump on your weight loss goals for the coming year, then be sure to Sign-up for the Weekly Weight Loss tips newsletter and receive the 8-page Diet Kick-Start Guide absolutely If you're looking for a weight loss solution that fits your busy lifestyle, then be sure to read Emma's Medifast Diet review With foods delivered straight to your door, their 5 & 1 Meal Plan is easy to follow and will quickly take you to your weight loss goals.

You'll find more weight loss tips and diet reviews at: